The Prometheus Blog
Welcome to Revospring! I haven't typed up a welcome page yet. In the meantime, thanks for your patience and thanks [...]
Surf is a “Social Browser” App From Flipboard
Recently, Flipboard unveiled Surf to beta testers. It’s a new experience designed around discovery and curation, giving users the ability to create and follow custom feeds that integrate the Fediverse, Bluesky, RSS, and YouTube. It’s a radically different design compared to other Fediverse clients.
How to Make Your First Loops Video
Loops is a huge deal for short-form video in the Fediverse. The app is currently in beta, and rapidly gaining new features. However, the lack of built-in recording and editing tools has left some users wondering about how to get started. This guide is geared towards people interested in making their own flashy videos, with some suggestions on tools and resources that we’re using internally.
A Brief History of the Fediverse Symbol
Recently, a new symbol was proposed to represent the Fediverse. The network notoriously lacks an official symbol, although most people are familiar with the Fedigram, a five-point star made of connected lines. There have actually been a few different proposed symbols in the past, and we’ve compiled a list to talk about their differences and history.
The Untapped Potential of Fediverse Publishing
It’s an exciting time for the Social Web movement: both WordPress and Ghost are experimenting with the ActivityPub protocol, Flipboard is federating their magazines across the network, and Newsmast is doing some really interesting development work regarding curation and content discovery. As we start to put these things together, it’s not hard to see an extremely compelling vision of how publishing and discovery can work here.
A Beginner’s Guide to the Fediverse, for Threads Users (Updated July 3rd, 2024)
If you’re reading this, chances are, you’re brand new to the idea of the Fediverse, and are just now hearing about it. Someone may have tried to explain it to you in the comments, saying “it’s like email, but social!”, leaving you no closer to deducing what it even means. Don’t worry – we’re here to help you go through the concepts, step by step, without making anything complicated.