Productivity suite for cloud storage, calendars, email, and more.
Nextcloud is an all-in-one productivity suite for organizations and individuals that want to take control of their data and information. Nextcloud offers file storage, calendar, email integration, file shares, and much more via a built-in app store. Users can also sync their Nextcloud files to their computer to have them synced and ready to share. Nextcloud even supports in-browser document and spreadsheet editing and sharing and even collaboration with others in real-time.
Note: This product is for the purchase of one software installation. All software applications need a home! In order to install your software, you must have a server to put it on. Click here to purchase one of our server hosting plans. The software will be installed onto your server under default settings. You will receive a basic installation that you will likely want to be customized further. Click here to learn more about hiring Prometheus to build a platform for you.