
From: $1 / year

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We are working nonstop to make the internet a freer, more open place by empowering users and communities with the tools they need to control their data. If you believe in Prometheus’s message of decentralization and user empowerment, please consider making a donation to our organization! We accept one-time or recurring donations by PayPal or credit card and also accept donations in crypto (BTC, ETC, and ADA).

We accept donations in crypto!

Wallet Address: 38nvsXpGx8CphYnm3YQMr9p8FaUyWqqDU1

Wallet Address: addr1v9al0fgpw86nhfec0emrl9k4ftn5gmazypjnnqp42r4fg3cpjgqm2

Wallet Address: 0x91d5e5120dCBf22E0071536c9aA07F2d896Fc58A

As always, thank you for your support!

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Donation Frequency

Once, Monthly, Yearly

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